At Garden Roses, we want to give you the best possible advice when it comes to caring for roses.
We include a copy of our Planting and Aftercare guide with every order which we recommend you keep somewhere safe for reference.
However, we have also included it online here for you to read through our easy rose care tips.
Keeping Your Garden Roses Wonderful & Happy
Rose Planting Top Ten Tips
If you’re looking for a quick and easy list of how to look after your garden roses before and after planting, take a look at our list of our top ten tips to get you started.
What To Do When Your Roses Arrive
If you have a delivery of roses on their way and you’re not sure what you should do first – don’t worry!
This guide will help talk you through the first steps of what to do with your new potted or bareroot roses.

Planting Roses into Your Garden
If you’re looking to plant roses into your garden borders, then this guide will talk you through ensuring you pick the right location and have a suitable soil type for your new roses.
There is also a step by step guide for planting into the ground.
Pot Happy
Planting Into Containers
The great news is all roses can be put into pots and containers. But if you have questions on what size and type of pot can be used or what compost your rose should be planted in our planting roses into pots and containers guide is for you.

Long Term Rose Care
Okay, so you’ve planted your rose in to it’s pot or position in the border, but now what?
Our long term rose aftercare guide talks you through how to look after your new rose and any other existing roses in your garden.
How to Prune Your Roses
Pruning roses can seem like a daunting task to first time rose gardeners.
Our guide will talk you through the easiest way to prune your rose and how to ensure it grows strongly for the following season.

Treating Persistent Disease
How to Fix Rose Rust and Blackspot
Are your roses suffering from year on year infections with Rose Rust and Rose Blackspot?
Our guide on how to treat will talk you through how to treat and what products to use.