

Celebrate a birthday with an unusual and long-lasting gift (much longer than a bouquet.) with our selection of roses named with a birthday in mind.
A perfect birthday gift idea for gardeners that they will be able to enjoy year after year.
We also offer gift wrapping and greeting card services that can be added to any order, giving that extra special touch when the lucky recipient opens their rose.
During summer where possible, we will also try to dispatch roses chosen with bloom or bud on so they can begin enjoying their new birthday rose gift straight away.
Absolutely Fabulous rose - Yellow Floribunda - Gardenroses.co.uk
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Standard Roses, Floribunda,

From £20.95

Champagne Moment rose - Cream Floribunda - Gardenroses.co.uk
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UK Exclusive
Rose of the Year & Gold Standard Award, Floribunda,
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Dear Granny rose - White and Pink Floribunda - Gardenroses.co.uk
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Precious Granddaughter rose | Pink Floribunda | Gardenroses.co.uk
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True Friend rose | Peach Floribunda | Gardenroses.co.uk
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From £23.95