Garden Roses,  also trading as www.styleroses.co.uk & www.thefragrantrosecompany.co.uk:

Terms and Conditions last updated : 29.10.21

On placing your order with us, you are agreeing to and have fully accepted the following terms and conditions of ordering and supply which you are deemed to have read, fully understand and accept. We ask that customers who contact us with concerns over their rose order from the start to be polite, understanding, helpful and courteous and will be dealt with in exactly the same way to quickly resolve any problems.

We reserve the right to update and amend our terms and conditions at any time and without notice, this will not affect your standard statutory legal rights for purchases in the United Kingdom at the time and date of placing your order.

  1. Current Delivery Timelines
  2. Potted Roses : Terms And Conditions Of Supply/General Important Information

2.1 Potted/Container Grown Roses

2.2Minor & Superficial Damage During Packing And Transit:

2.3Wilting Of Leaves And Flowers In Transit

2.4Flower Balling/Rain Damage/Bruising & Browning To Flower Buds/Blooms

2.5Spots On Leaves/Brown Leaves/Autumn Deliveries Of Potted Roses/Powdery White Limescale Water Deposits On Leaves/Powdery Mildew On Leaves.

2.6 Flowerblindness

2.7Greenfly/Aphids/Beatles/Caterpillars Found On Roses Supplied

2.8New Season/Recently Potted Roses – Supplied October to June

2.9Feeding Roses

  1. Bareroot Roses : Terms And Conditions Of Supply/General Important Information
  • Bareroot Standard Roses
  • Bareroot Bush Roses.
  • Order supply & rotation
  1. General Information
    1. Labelling
    2. Fragrance and Scent
    3. Variety Descriptions
    4. Pruned Back Potted Roses
    5. Rose Images
  2. Failure to Grow/Death of Rose Supplied
  3. Delivery Information : Our Terms & Conditions of Supply & Delivery
    1. On receipt of order
    2. Required/Specified Delivery Dates
    3. Severe Damage in Transit
    4. Minor Damage in Transit
    5. Returning Roses
    6. Reserved Barefoot Rose Orders
    7. Delivery Periods of Bareroot Roses
    8. Delivery Periods of Potted Roses
    9. Delivery Address Details
    10. Delivery/Safe Place Instructions
    11. Split Address Orders
  4. Delivery Information : Free Delivery
  5. Delivery Information : Non Surcharge UK Delivery Costs
  6. Delivery Information : Surcharge Delivery Postcodes/Areas
  7. Our Free Replacement Guarantee, What Is Covered and What is Not Covered
    1. Our Guarantee
    2. Guarantee Period
    3. Standard Roses
    4. Roses Planted into Containers
    5. Bareroot Orders
    6. Bareroot orders wind damage/loss
    7. Flowers/Blooms on roses/roses failing to bloom
    8. Heights of rose plants
    9. New Season/Freshly Potted Roses
    10. Damage/Lost Goods and required photographic evidence.
  8. Garden Show Attendance Disclaimer
  9. Quality Specification on supplied Roses
    1. Standard Roses
    2. Weeping Standards
    3. Rose Bushes including climbers
    4. Pruning heights of bareroot roses
  10. Cancellation Process
  11. Terms/Payment
  12. Items out of Stock & Substitutes
  13. Exclusive Varieties
  14. Discounts and Offers

POTTED ROSES:  We are currently dispatching potted rose orders within 1 to 2 days from ordering. All Potted orders placed after midday Thursday to Sunday for a.s.a.p. delivery are dispatched on the following Monday during Spring and Summer Months (May to September) (excluding Bank Holidays).

BAREROOT ROSES: Bareroot standard and bush roses are supplied November-March. We begin lifting our bareroot roses weather permitting from the first week of November once the roses become mature & dormant. Due to a large backlog of orders, bareroot roses are supplied on a rotational order (first come, first sent), this order backlog is normally cleared by the end of November, and after this period, delivery is normally within a week of placing your order subject to weather conditions allowing us to lift roses from our rose field . If you need your rose for a specific date that is close to the beginning of the bareroot season, we will always do our best to accommodate providing that the weather and backlog of orders to process permits.


We are supplying you only with a living and healthy ‘specimen’ rose plant that has been in our constant care for 2 to 3 years before being dispatched. Our promise to you is that we will not dispatch out any rose unless we would be happy to buy it ourselves. If there is a temporary problem with the variety you have ordered we will contact you for your instruction before dispatching your order and if we cannot satisfy your requirements before sending the rose we will fully refund you straight away & your statutory rights remain unaffected.

2.1 POTTED/CONTAINER GROWN ROSES : Important information and terms of sale for minor damage in transit and temporary rose conditions.

Please note, any rose ordered that arrives at its delivery address with the below temporary and minor damaged conditions will not be replaced or refunded as the rose will quickly recover and still remains a healthy first quality saleable rose plant when supplied from our nursery.

We expect and require you, the customer, although rarely a problem to both accept and understand fully that the above information & point 2a below accepting that unavoidable minor damage may occur during the final stage of packing or whilst in transit, and that when ordering roses with us you be both reasonable and understanding if it unfortunately occurs and take the appropriate remedial minor actions needed to rectify what will be a very short term issue to the rose supplied which still remains a first quality saleable plant.

Labelling: All roses supplied will be labelled with a long lasting plastic lock tie label at the base of the stem containing a small colour picture of the rose in bloom, variety name and description. It is very important you leave this label attached to the rose, we will not consider any replacement or refund of a rose supplied without evidence of our label being attached to the rose. 

2.2  MINOR & SUPERFICIAL DAMAGE DURING PACKING AND TRANSIT:  Potted roses will produce at certain times of the year soft new leaf growth and stems, flowers and flower buds which are at times unavoidably soft and very tender. As the summer progresses our potted roses become wider and taller making them more difficult to pack and more liable to minor damage, whilst we always do our very best to avoid damage, it is not an unusual occurrence for occasional minor damage to occur whilst closing the box up which we cannot see or in transit including flowers, flower buds, leaves, new shoots or stems breaking off. On some occasions if the variety has grown too tall to fit in the box we may need to bend the pliable stems of the rose over to send them. This damage is entirely superficial and the rose will quickly recover, we will NOT replace or refund plants damaged in this way even if purchased as a gift as the plant supplied remains a first quality rose with a minimum of  2 strong basal stems (excluding some single stem Shrub Roses), which will very quickly recover from such minor/suerficial damage mentioned in this section. When contacting us, you may also be asked by us to take further remedial action and prune off damaged areas to rectify the problem.

2.3 WILTING OF LEAVES AND FLOWERS IN TRANSIT: Our potted roses are hand watered daily during hot weather and re-checked before packing, despite this, roses that are packed with open flowers on may suffer from some flower or leaf wilting whilst in transit, especially during very hot weather, although this is a very rare occurrence if this does happen you should give the plants a very  good water outside immediately after unpacking and the rose will quickly recover but any flowers that remain wilted after 12 hours should then be removed and discarded.

2.4  FLOWER BALLING/RAIN DAMAGE/BRUISING & BROWNING TO FLOWER BUDS/BLOOMS: All flowering plants, including roses, will suffer with rain damage, especially if the plants and flowers remain wet for 24 hours or more, flowers that have lots of petals, cupped or rounded blooms which hold the water & double flowers are especially prone to damage from the wet which can also cause them to go brown, not open fully and also fall off prematurely without opening. This problem is entirely beyond our reasonable control and completely down to the weather and especially periods of prolonged wet weather, during periods after of mainly dry weather for 2 weeks or more, this problem will disappear and the rose will always recover and flower later in the year or the following summer.

2.5 SPOTS ON LEAVES/BROWN LEAVES/AUTUMN DELIVERIES OF POTTED ROSES/POWDERY WHITE LIMESCALE WATER DEPOSITS ON LEAVES/ POWDERY MILDEW ON LEAVES: Go to any plant in your garden, take a close look at the leaves and you will probably see some harmless black and brown spots or lines, go to a rose and look at the leaves of a rose and you may well see the same thing but then panic and automatically assume it must be a serious rose disease or rose blackspot which is not the case.

All our rose selections are modern and very healthy. Modern rose breeders are working extremely hard to eliminate diseases in roses and our plants are regularly sprayed with safe products to avoid problems and issues with diseases on the nursery. The disease ROSE BLACKSPOT is never seen on our nursery or in our fields because of this careful variety selection and our regular nursery disease prevention measures, if you continue to feed & look after them in exactly the same way and as instructed in our aftercare information provided with your order you will have not have serious disease problems with the roses we supply.

When we pack your roses, any obvious spotted, yellow or brown leaves are removed, you may still see some spotted leaves on your roses when received as a direct result of recent weather conditions on our nursery, including hail, heavy rain, wind scorch or rubbing, loading onto trolleys on the nursery (causing bruising to the leaves), frost, snow & very hot direct sunshine (our nursery bed is in a full sun position and can get very hot).

Potted roses supplied in the autumn and early winter go dormant and drop their leaves naturally, potted roses supplied during this period may have harmless yellow or brown autumn leaves on them, again before sending each plant we will check it over and remove obvious autumn leaves, however during this period you will see autumn leaves on the plant supplied in many cases and you have absolutely no need to be concerned.

White powdery residue sometimes found on our leaves harmless and healthy limescale from Lincolnshire’s hard water used to over-head water the roses on the nursery and will quickly disappear once planted.

Powdery Mildew can sometimes appear on the leaves of a small number of prone varieties, we continue to try to select varieties that are resistant to this problem, this is a harmless short term issue, normally occurring mid-summer & triggered by heat and humidity in later summer and autumn months and will disappear as quickly as it appears with the onset of cooler wetter weather, Planting in an open airey position with plenty of room will almost certainly eliminate this issue or if seen it can also be easily controlled with fungicidal sprays or bicarbonate of soda.

Please be assured any leaf spotting or marking seen on receipt is completely harmless and temporary & you should not be concerned in anyway, please note we will not replace or refund any rose including gift roses with any of these minor and temporary condition which the rose will recover from in a short time if you follow our aftercare information.

2.6 FLOWER BLINDNESS – Although a minor and unlikely occurrence, Cold temperatures, late frosts and poor light can cause flower blindness to some varieties of roses on their first flush of summer blooms, especially single flowering Hybrid Tea Roses, if a flower bud fails to form in summer on established long, leafy new growth (excluding Climbers & Ramblers) cut the stem back to a thick strong stem just above a leaf/bud to quickly promote new flowering stems & blooms. After flowering, dead head for repeat flower through summer & autumn with same pruning. As this minor & easily rectified condition is entirely related to the weather or planting position in your garden after supply and beyond our reasonable control, we will not replace or refund any rose, including gift roses with this minor & temporary condition that you will easily rectify by pruning and providing a sunny position as mentioned.

2.7  GREENFLY/APHIDS/BEATLES/CATERPILLARS FOUND ON ROSES SUPPLIED: Unfortunately for roses these pests really like feeding on rose plants and roses are naturally under constant threat during active leaf growth, this is normal and unavoidable and will go away eventually causing NO long term damage to your plants. Roses are sprayed very regularly with safe products on our nursery to avoid and control this, we have no option to do otherwise as we grow so many and so close together. Potted plants are visually checked for pests just before packing; however please note,  greenfly & aphids develop from a microscopic egg (not visible to normal vision) to a full grown egg laying adult in less than 2 days and we cannot guarantee any rose supplied will not have greenfly or other common pests on their stems, leaves flowers or buds upon receipt. In the unlikely event of this occurrence you should spray immediately in a cool shaded area outside with a recommended garden centre product, alternatively you can rub them off or use a strong jet of water which will remove most pests or you can always let nature take its own natural course where they will eventually go away due to cooler or wet weather or removed and eaten by other insects or birds. Your roses will always continue to be attacked naturally by pests in this way from many other plants in your garden or area and you will need to continue to control them in the same manner if you do not like to see pests on your plants.

2.8 NEW SEASON / RECENTLY POTTED ROSES SUPPLIED OCTOBER TO JUNE: Potted roses during this period may well be new season & sent out after recently being potted by us and not yet rooted into the compost, often still in their dormant winter state, they will not have leaves or blooms on them and you will only see dormant, healthy, thorned (unless stated on the variety you order) stems for the first month or so before slowly beginning to shoot and leaf up thereafter (depending on the weather and temperature conditions you have in your area).

‘New Season / Recently Potted’ roses supplied during this period will be very clearly labelled as such with warning labels both on the pot and rose & must remain within the pot & compost supplied until fully rooted into the compost. Place pot & rose outside on level firm ground in a bright sunny position until fully rooted into the compost (during very severe winter conditions – Temporarily transfer to a cool frost free structure, e.g Cold Greenhouse, Garden Shed, Garage – see instructions on pot & written information provided with your rose), keep compost watered so always moist until late late Spring or early Summer until fully rooted into the compost & original pot supplied and in full leaf with flower buds starting to form (excluding some Climbing & Rambling Roses) .

Only attempt re-planting your potted rose, as supplied when fully rooted into its final position in the garden or a larger container after first very carefully checking the potted rose has fully rooted into the compost and which will still flower as normal during the coming summer.

Roses potted up by us at the end of the bareroot season (February-March) may not flower for the first time until July or August.

New season/Freshly Potted Roses supplied as a gift roses with gift wrap will also have a nice prominent large colour picture swing tag when available tied to the branches of the variety selected, all potted rose varieties with a gift name (e.g ‘Mum in a Million) automatically come supplied with the extra colour swing tag label.

We will not replace or refund under any circumstances any New Season/Recently Potted Roses supplied that has been subsequently replanted before fully rooting into the compost in the original pot supplied as it is highly likely the newly forming root system will be severely damaged in doing this leading to shock to the rose, defoliation and probable death.



2.9FEEDING YOUR ROSES, apart from water, specialised Rose Feed is the most important requirement for all roses and plays a very large part in disease prevention and plentiful blooms, roses are heavy feeders and require feeding with a proprietary rose feed at least twice a year for best results, normally for UK applied in early April and mid July, roses grown in containers will also need an extra feed somewhere between these months due to continued watering.. We strongly recommend that you use ‘Empathy Biofertiliser Rose Food’ which also contains Rootgrow’ mycorrhizal fungi spores which is very beneficial to roses in our considered opinion is the very best rose feed you can buy and available from Style Roses in our sundries section found on the website. Bonemeal can be used at planting, but Rootgrow will work much better and give very long term benefits, we do not recommend you use blood fish and bone fertiliser, Tomato Feed or any other non-rose fertiliser for roses. Roses that die as a result of not feeding them at all, overfeeding or not at the correct rate as stated on the product supplied from us will not be replaced or refunded

  • BAREROOT STANDARD ROSES : Please note that we advise strongly in our planting & aftercare leaflet supplied with your order that all Bareroot Standard Roses supplied between November and February should in the first instance, be potted up, allowing you to provide protection from severe winter weather damage before becoming root established, using a John Innes No. 3 compost & a minimum size undamaged plastic pot of at least 7.5lt size, water well (compost must always remain moist) and placed securely outside so it won’t blow over in a sunny position.

During severe winter weather (below -5C) or freezing day & night temperatures your potted Standard roses must be transferred to a cold greenhouse, shed, garage or cool frost and draft free area and moved back outside once milder normal weather returns as newly planted Standards are particularly vulnerable to weather damage or loss in the first season when the new root system is not yet established and the flowering head is very exposed to winter damage.

Once in full leaf and fully rooted in late Spring or early Summer they can then be safely re-planted into the garden. Whilst the Standard Rose remains in it’s over winter pot you must ensure the rose compost remains moist/watered at all times otherwise the rose will die and not be replaced by us or refunded as a direct result of the failure of following the above very important above advice.

All Standard Roses must be secured after final planting with a strong stake & tie to avoid damage from wind or rain to the flowering head and stem, without support your Standard stem or flowering head may completely break off.

We strongly recommend continued protection from severe winter weather of established Standard Roses after planting in their final outdoor garden position using materials like foam pipe lagging for the stems and Bubble wrap for the flowering head for example.

  • BAREROOT BUSH ROSES: Should be planted as soon as conditions allow, if planting directly into garden borders additional care and attention is required in the first year until fully rooted into the soil. Protect from severe winter weather (below -5c or freezing day & night temperatures), particularly in the first few months after planting (or whilst temporarily heeled in) when roots have not fully rooted into the soil or compost, normal winter night frosts to – 5°C are not a problem, but if severe winter weather comes where temperatures fall below – 5°C, or freezing conditions persist all day and night, cover the base of the rose and stems temporarily to protect using things like straw, bubble wrap, hessian sacking or dry shredded paper. Remove insulation as soon as milder more normal winter weather returns
  • ORDER SUPPLY & ROTATION: Orders are supplied on a rotational basis, you can order bareroot roses from us from July and these will be supplied/dispatched from 1st of November in date order. Roses ordered in July therefore will be the first sent out subject to weather conditions which may sometimes delay lifting and dispatch at the start of the bareroot season in November. Typically it takes us until early to mid December to lift and clear the back log of bareroot orders placed between July and November.


  1. LABELLING: All roses supplied are labelled with a long lasting plastic lock tie label at the base of the stem containing a small colour picture of the rose in bloom, variety name and description. It is very important you leave this label attached to the rose, we will not consider any replacement or refund of a rose supplied without evidence of our label still being attached to the rose. 
  2. FRAGRANCE & SCENT: Rose scent is entirely personal and circumstantial, our fragrance ratings of Strong, Medium or Light/Lightly Scented (little or no scent) are given in good faith and taken initially from the original rose breeders variety description or our own nursery and field assessments, they are also subject to changes in their fragrance rating by us at any time thereafter and without notice, often making the fragrance rating stronger or weaker in fragrance ratings subject to our further assessment or mass comments from customers.
    Fragrance of a rose depends on many things, some roses will only smell in full sun and during very hot weather when the rose may have a good to strong fragrance and the fragrance rating is decided but often the same rose has no noticeable scent in different weather and temperature conditions, everyone’s sense of smell is different and as you get older your sense of smell becomes much less or even non-existent, roses produce their fragrance through producing aroma oils in the flower and the fragrance strength and smell will change at certain times of the day and over a period of around 12 hours during each day, often failing or expiring completely in severe heat or periods of cooler weather, we are constantly being told by customers how lovely a particular rose variety smells and we cannot smell anything.  Whilst we are very happy to take on board customer comments and further reassess our fragrance ratings, roses that fail to meet your own personal fragrance expectations will not be replaced or refunded at any time as a result of not meeting your fragrance expectations of the rose supplied.
  3. VARIETY DESCRIPTIONS: written variety descriptions on our website, catalogues and plant labels of height, colour, fragrance etc are based on our observations and information and images provided by the original Rose breeder. They are completely subject to individual interpretation which will vary from person to person. Differing growth and colour habits may occur when grown in different areas. Your own planting position, soil, pruning and feeding regime will also greatly effect colours and heights. See notes at 3 b) for fragrance descriptions.
  4. PRUNED BACK POTTED ROSES: at certain times of the year, especially during summer and early autumn months roses supplied may already have flowered and will have been pruned back to flower later in the year or the following summer, please be assured we always pick the best looking plant on the nursery on the day of dispatch, and whenever available, roses that have flowers or buds on will be dispatched as priority.
  5. ROSE IMAGES: Images supplied on our website are genuine pictures which have been taken on our nursery, rose field or supplied by the rose breeder. In some cases customer photos are also used where we feel there is an accurate representation of the rose and it’s growing habits. We endeavour for all pictures of our varieties to show a true reflection and best representation of the rose during it’s ‘peak’ stage of flowering where it’s colour, shape and form are seen at it’s best. Monitors, screens and devices may show colours differently. Your own planting position, soil, pruning and feeding regime will also greatly effect colours of foliage and flower.

DEATH OF ROSE SUPPLIED: Our roses will give you many years of enjoyment if you fully follow our given advice, 99% of established roses that die do so as a result of lack of water or feed, attempting to replant a new season/recently potted rose too soon before becoming fully rooted or failure to read and follow our written aftercare information.

Roses in pots and containers require regular watering and feeding as instructed during growth periods with the compost always remaining moist and same also for roses planted in open ground in full sun positions in very hot weather or on light sandy or chalk soils. Roses that die as a direct result of no/lack of water or food will not be replaced.


DELIVERY TO E.U & NON UK ADDRESSES (Including U.S.A & Australia) :

We are very sorry, but as a direct result of Brexit and new laws or Plant Health Requirements of non E.U countries we are no longer allowed or able to supply our field grown garden roses to all non UK addresses

  • ON RECEIPT OF ORDER: Ensure when roses are delivered they are first checked for damage and signed for, whilst we are happy for roses to be left without signature on your instruction we will not refund any roses that are found either damaged or have been stolen in your absence if there is no signature.
  • REQUIRED/SPECIFIED DELIVERY DATES: We do not guarantee delivery on a specific day, but will always do our best to fulfil your delivery requirements given reasonable notice. Delivery is rarely a problem, but we do NOT guarantee that roses will be delivered on your selected delivery date if that option is chosen or that they will have flowers or buds on them when sent/delivered at any time of the year.
    We do not deliver at weekends (unless surcharge paid), bank holidays and day after bank holidays – and all Mondays during the summer months. Weekend delivery requests must be arranged by telephone.
    Delivery is rarely a problem, but sometimes things do go wrong with the courier that is beyond our reasonable control. If your delivery date is important, you are strongly advised to order them for delivery the day before you actually need them and contact us by 4pm if they have not arrived to give us reasonable time to liaise with the courier service before they close and advise.
  • SEVERE DAMAGE IN TRANSIT: Roses with severe damage to the main basal stems or root system in transit and subject to you sending us a photograph, and our final agreement will be replaced with same or similar variety if available or refunded.

MINOR & SUPERFICIAL DAMAGE IN TRANSIT (Reference 2:1 Above): Occasionally leaves, shoots & flowers may become damaged in transit. Due to the nature of the product we can not offer full or partial refund in these instances. Please contact us if you are unsure and we can give you advice for how to get it to recover fastest.

  • RETURNING ROSES: Roses can be returned to us for a full refund, providing they arrive back with us in a saleable and healthy condition. Potted roses should remain in their original nursery container pot. Style Roses will not cover the cost of delivery & redelivery back to our Holbeach Nursery, this must be organised and paid for by the customer.
  • RESERVED BAREROOT ROSE ORDERS: Customers specifying a delivery date of bareroot roses after the first week in March: As we are approaching the end of the bareroot season in March, We will not keep bareroot orders on reserve by customer request beyond the first week in March & will be dispatched to your delivery address if still on reserve at that time.
    Customers who insist on delivery of their pre-paid reserved bareroot order beyond the first week in March do so entirely at their own risk and any reserved plants supplied after the first week in March that fail or partly grow will not be replaced free of charge.
  • DELIVERY PERIODS OF BAREROOT ROSES: supplied from November to End of March, delivery is normally from Monday to Friday.
  • DELIVERY PERIODS OF POTTED ROSES: Potted Roses (including collected Standard Roses) available all year round subject to stock, we will always select and send the best plant(s) available from the nursery bed. Potted Roses are delivered Monday to Friday from October to April and Tuesday to Friday from May to September. If you require delivery at any other times, please contact us directly to discuss and additional delivery surcharge costs.
    During the working week we are often able to process and dispatch orders the same day so it is important to contact us if you notice a problem immediately, as roses can be packed and dispatched within 5 minutes of an order being made if marked with an ASAP delivery time.
    Please make sure you have given the correct delivery name & address for delivery when ordering as an incorrect address delivery and a redirection to another address will incur a redelivery charge per order as a result of an error by the customers given delivery details. If the order has already been delivered to an incorrect address, re-delivery including the cost of the rose will be charged in full. This includes full or partial incorrect address you give.
  2. DELIVERY/SAFE PLACE INSTRUCTIONS: Customers who specify that their order is left in a safe place/without signature. Note that any parcel dispatched/delivered in this way is sent entirely at your own risk in case of loss, damage or theft. We always retain proof of dispatch when sending orders in this way. This applies to customers ordering both potted and bareroot roses requesting delivery without signature, or to be left in a safe place or with a neighbour.
  3. SPLIT ADDRESS ORDERS: Please kindly note if you require delivery to more than one address, full separate delivery charges will apply to each individual delivery address, e.g two single potted roses requiring delivery to two addresses will both be charged the £7.95 delivery charge (£15.90) for each of the roses dispatched to the two separate delivery addresses.

If the rose order value for rose plants supplied either as an order of all bareroot roses or all potted roses is over £100 after any discounts which may apply, Delivery is free to UK mainland addresses excluding Highlands and Islands (see list at bottom of page of postcodes that incur a surcharge for large orders sent by courier). Mixed rose orders of bareroot roses and potted roses are not eligible for free delivery unless you order £100+ of each. Rose sundries (rootgrow, stakes & ties etc) do not qualify for free delivery under any circumstances and you must order at least £100 of either all bareroot roses or all potted roses to qualify for free delivery to non-surcharge UK postcode areas


Listed below are our normal UK delivery costs which are added onto the bareroot and Potted/Container plant prices. Prices advertised here apply to UK mainland addresses only or UK Postcodes listed in our surcharge list.

Bareroot Delivery Charges  (Delivery November-End of March)

Bush & climbing roses under the value of £100 £7.95
If the order includes a Standard rose
(mix of Bush and Standard)
Bareroot bush and/or standard orders over £100 Free

Container(Potted) bush/climbers/ramblers available all year round.

Potted bush and climbers under the value of £100 £7.95
Potted bush and climbers over the value of £100 Free

Please note that if an order of both container and bareroot roses are placed then two delivery charges apply. This is due to different courier services and packaging being required for these orders. To qualify for free delivery the bareroot or potted orders must be over £100 for each part of the order (excluding sundries), otherwise delivery charges will still apply (see below).


All mail order rose orders containing Standard Roses, Potted Roses and/or bareroot bush roses dispatched to addresses in the following UK Postcode areas are subject to an additional courier delivery surcharge, when placing your order on the website, it will not allow you to continue and you will either need to phone 01406 424089 or visit our sister site where you will be able to place an order www.styleroses.co.uk

AB31, AB33 – AB38 , AB45, AB52 – AB56
BT (ALL), Northern Ireland (Requires a Phytosanitary Certificate, may be up to a 2 week delay)
FK17 – FK21
GY all, Guernsey GY1-10
HS1 – HS9 (ALL)
IM1 – IM9 & IM99
IV1 – IV3, IV10 – IV28, IV30 – IV32, IV36, IV40-IV56
JE (ALL), Jersey 
KW1 – KW3, KW5 – KW17
PA20 – PA49, PA60 – PA78, PA80
PH17 – PH26, PH30 – PH44, PH49 – PH50
PO30-41 Isle of Wight (ALL)
TR21 – TR25
ZE1 – ZE3 (ALL)

All other UK Postcodes, surcharge does not apply. (We reserve the right to amend the surcharge postcode areas at any time and without notice).


No rose will be replaced or refunded without photographic proof and with our own product description label still attached to the plant, you are advised to immediately email your pictures (ref point 6.11) to [email protected] as soon as you see a major issue with your purchase for us to advise on appropriate remedies.

  1. OUR FREE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE: All bareroot and newly potted roses are guaranteed to grow by July 1st following delivery from the previous autumn or spring otherwise will be replaced and not refunded in the following November with a bareroot rose of the same variety and type or if no longer available with the most similar rose available at that time provided they were originally handled, stored and planted as advised in our what to do next & planting and aftercare instructions.
    Any rose that dies as direct result of not following our advice or not adhering to the Planting and Aftercare information provided with the rose will not be replaced or refunded under any circumstances.
    NO responsibility is taken or given for damage or losses  as a result of subsequent adverse weather conditions, subsequent frost damage, subsequent severe winter weather, failure to follow our planting and aftercare instructions, lack of water, unsuitable planting position, re-planting a new season/recently potted rose before it has become fully rooted into the original pot and compost supplied or unsuitable growing medium.

The final recipient of the rose(s) supplied is required to regularly water & check your roses after planting for good establishment and healthy growth. If you have any serious concerns with a rose supplied by us, please contact us as soon as possible and before any serious issues or death occurs so appropriate advice and remedies can be given and before the 1st of July after planting. In the unlikely event of a complaint, it should be made by 1st July (in year 1 of supply) in writing and you must also provide clear photographs of the plant showing the full plant and surroundings in its final planted position, a close up image of any damaged or dead growth, a close up image of Plant Label on the problem rose. Plants that fail under the above terms will be replaced in the following autumn with a bareroot plant of the same or similar variety if available. We do not offer cash refunds unless plants are returned to us in a live saleable condition with your order details including your order number.

Please note we will not replace neglected roses that have died if you fail to contact us well before death has occurred and when a remedy can be given or if you contact us for the first time after July 1st in year 1 after planting about a problem.

  1. GUARANTEE PERIOD: Due to reasons beyond our reasonable control, roses supplied that subsequently die (including Standard Roses that may partially die) after the above stated period having initially grown normally in their first season with the customer are not covered by our free replacement guarantee.
  2. STANDARD ROSES: which partially fail and all Potted roses in bud or leaf when dispatched or collected are not covered by our free replacement guarantee because they are healthy growing plants when dispatched/collected which have been in our care for at least 2 years prior to dispatch, if we are in any way unhappy with a rose and it’s quality upon dispatch we will not send it and would replace with a healthy plant or contact you directly to organise an alternative option.
    Bending of Standard Rose Stems: Standard Roses are produced initially from a graft at the base of the stem, some natural bending at the base of the stem is completely normal and to be expected as a result of this and occasionally there may be some slight bends in the Standard Rose stem higher up and this is also considered normal and easily rectified with the use of a strong wooden stake and tie as recommended in our Planting & Aftercare Guide. Any Standard Rose with a severe bend in the stem would be rejected by us upon lifting and discarded
    Any Standard Rose supplied that dies in the following year, due to being planted directly into the garden and not in a pot as clearly instructed will not be replaced or refunded.
    Stem heights given for Standard Roses are approximate, based on average heights and will vary slightly from stem to stem, a taller stem can be planted more deeply if needed to adjust the height if needed. Standards will not be replaced or refunded if they fail to meet your expectations of height. Full Standard Roses typically flower at 6ft, Half Standards 5ft, Quarter Standards typically flower at 3ft
  1. ROSES PLANTED BY YOU INTO CONTAINERS: We strongly recommend using large, heavy frost resistant pots with good drainage or large half barrell wooden planters for long term planting of roses in containers, use a John Innes No3 compost & NOT a multi-purpose compost  and avoid mixing in manure to the compost mix, which roses do not like & would likely lead to problems or the death of your rose. Please be aware the root system is far more vulnerable to winter frost damage as it is exposed to the air & you should protect pots and roses with bubble wrap during spells of severe winter weather or move temporarily to a safe, cool frost free position, do not keep container roses in heated greenhouses, conservatories or indoor rooms.

Water containers regularly, daily during hot sunny weather, especially when in flower, ensuring the compost remains moist at all times, container planted roses need to be sited in a position outside that provides at least half a day of full sun for best results. Please note we will not replace or refund any roses that die within the free replacement guarantee period as a result of failing to follow in full  the above advice for planting in containers.

  1. BAREROOT ORDERS : sent after our recommended planting times (November to end of March) and at the customers request are not covered by our free replacement guarantee and are sent entirely at the customers own risk.
  2. BAREROOT ORDERS WIND DAMAGE/LOSS : Roses that break or die as a result of wind damage are not covered by our guarantee. All Standard roses must be correctly staked and tied when planted otherwise irreparable wind damage will occur, wooden support stakes should also be regularly checked for decay or damage.
  3. FLOWERS/BLOOMS ON ROSES/ROSES FAILING TO BLOOM : Where at all possible in the summer months and if available we will always send a potted rose with flower and/or buds on. However most Roses flower in flushes and sometimes during the season may not currently be in flower or bud and you may be supplied with a pruned rose to re-flower later in the summer, or depending on the time of the season for flowering the following year.
    A small number of Climbing and Rambling Roses may not flower until well established, in some cases taking 3 or 4 years to bloom (example Rosa Banksiae types). Roses planted in shaded areas, areas without full sun for long periods may never flower due to lack of sufficient strong daylight. It is extremely rare for rose plants to fail to flower eventually, however any rose plant that does fail to flower will not be replaced or refunded due to reasons beyond our reasonable control
  4. COLOUR/FRAGRANCE/GROWTH HABIT : will not be replaced, changed to another variety or refunded once supplied if they fail to meet your expectations of colour, Fragrance or Growth habit having chosen and been supplied with the correct variety as originally ordered by the customer.
  5. HEIGHTS OF ROSE PLANTS : The stated growth heights given in our descriptions are approximate and based on both our observations and those of the original rose breeder. Subsequent heights of roses supplied depend but not limited to;
    – the planting position/soil quality
    – the growing material around the plant roots
    – how you water and feed the plants
    – how you winter prune the plants
    – failure to prune your roses correctly as instructed
    – attacks from pests and diseases or larger animals whilst in your garden
    Roses that fail to meet your expectations of height will not be replaced or refunded due to reasons beyond our reasonable control once dispatched.
  6. NEW SEASON/FRESHLY POTTED ROSES :  supplied between October and May must be left outside, kept watered and remain in the pot dispatched by Style Roses until fully rooted and in full leaf before planting into its final position, any potted rose not in full leaf and not fully rooted when planted out prior to the fully rooted and full leaf stage is likely to suffer badly and possibly die and is not covered by our free replacement guarantee. ALWAYS CAREFULLY CHECK FOR FULL ROOTING IN THE POT PRIOR TO PLANTING, PLEASE CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE POT AND IN OUR PLANTING & AFTERCARE GUIDE AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS.
  7. DAMAGED/LOST GOODS AND REQUIRED PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE : In the very unlikely event of damage to your order: Always check your rose order upon delivery before signing. Damaged goods must be highlighted to the courier or Royal Mail at the time of delivery and noted on the delivery paperwork before we will consider any damage or loss claim. Any loss or serious damage to plants must be reported by telephone or email within 24 hours of receipt, photographic evidence will be needed showing all of the plant supplied, a close up of any damage & a close up picture of the plant label attached to the plant identifying it as a rose supplied by Style Roses to prove your claim and for us to reclaim costs from Royal Mail or Courier and re-arrange free delivery if needed.




  1. Standard Roses: minimum 2 strong even sided breaks per stem supplied, with the exception of most Weeping Standards and a few other exceptions most of our Standard Roses are supplied as Half-Standards, these are grafted on the stem at approximately 80cm to flower  at approximately 1.5m/5ft subject to you following our Planting and Aftercare recommendations. Full Weeping Standards/Full Standards are grafted at 1m approx and flower at approximately 1.8m/6ft. Quarter Standards are grafted on the stems at around 50cm and flower at approximately 90cm/3ft.
  2. Weeping Standards varieties including Canary Bird, may be supplied as a single break rose at our discretion, please be assured they will always be good quality plants and will make a nice round head in time and if correctly winter pruned
  3. Bush Roses (includes Climbers) unless otherwise agreed or stated in the variety description given (example Canary Bird, Helen Knight), minimum 2 strong basal stems.
  4. Pruning heights of bareroot roses when supplied: All bareroot roses upon delivery will have pruned down by us to the correct height of the variety supplied and ready for planting as instructed in our given Planting & Aftercare leaflet.

Orders are processed, gift cards produced when needed within 24 hours of receipt, 7 days a week. We reserve the right to implement a charge of £5.00 to cover our costs incurred in part for administration and materials for customers who cancel their order beyond this initial 24 hour period.

Please note orders are often packed and dispatched on the same day ordered, especially with orders marked as ASAP delivery. If packing and/or gift wrapping has occured before we are made aware of your cancellation WE WILL STILL CHARGE IN FULL AND NOT REFUND due to costs already incurred.


We require payment in full prior to dispatch or upon collection of your order, for customers ordering by Credit/Debit card, ‘STYLE ROSES’ will be shown on your payments statement from your card provider, your credit/debit card details are not available to us or stored on our website or anywhere on our property or computers and are totally secure. We are unable to accept or take payment by cheque.


Please note this is a highly unlikely event due to our close stock monitoring system but in the unfortunate event of a variety being sold out when your ordered is received, we reserve the right to substitute with a similar variety of equal or greater value, unless otherwise instructed at the time of ordering, when we will either hold over your order to next autumn or cancel or refund your order as instructed. If we do not have a similar variety available we will contact you and await your instructions before dispatching.


Only available from Style Roses/The Fragrant Rose Company/gardenroses.co.uk  are grown and supplied under a Special Growing Licence and contract agreement with the Rose Breeder. Under the Terms & Conditions of this licence and EXCLUSIVE agreement, Propagation, Re-production and re-sale of these varieties or commercial gain is not allowed & strictly prohibited by any other person or business.


We offer free delivery to UK mainland addresses excluding Highlands and UK Islands on all orders over £100.00 excluding all rose sundries, Mixed rose orders of bareroot roses and potted roses are not eligible for free delivery unless you order £100+ of each. Rose sundries (rootgrow, stakes & ties etc) do not qualify for free delivery under any circumstances and you must order at least £100 of either all bareroot roses or all potted roses to qualify for free delivery to non-surcharge UK postcode areas

We reserve the right to withdraw or change this offer or our Terms and Conditions at any time.