Rose Types
Standard Roses / Tree Roses
There are many ways that Standard Roses (also known as rose trees) can be planted in the garden for different effects. They can look great in containers by your exterior doors for a grand entrance or placed on the patio. They can also be used to line driveways or add height and interest in the borders. Alternatively, they can make an eye-catching centre piece in central beds.
Standard roses are easy to look after - they repeat flower throughout the summer months. The rewards of Standard roses include that you can look, smell, deadhead and prune your roses without the need to bend, and allows you to plant other plants underneath.
Our standard roses come in different stem heights - meaning that the rose is grafted at this point and the flowering point is higher than listed.
Graft height is as listed and average;
Quarter Standards (50cm),
Half Standard (80cm)
Full Standards (100cm).
Our weeping standards are listed within this category, but if you would like to browse these, you can find our weeping roses here.
Please note that we are only able to dispatch our bareroot standard roses from November to March but we can dispatch potted standards out all year (where available).
We recommend that all standard roses are planted alongside a stake and tie on the north side of the stem, which will help support the main stem and add protection against wind damage. We do offer stake and ties to be purchased alongside our standard roses (however these can not be purchased separately through our website, please contact us if you wish to place an order for stake and ties without standard roses). Standard Roses if planted in containers should be planted in a heavy ceramic container which will counter-balance the weight of the head during the summer months.